Soft Wired Mounting Accessories


Suitable for:

Mounting of soft wired Power Modules & data


2 or 4 gang Power Modules Up to 6 x data


Black & White

Key Features

  • PMB, DMB, PDMB – used to mount PM Power Modules (ECDPM2P/ECDPM4P) and/or data – typically in under desk locations.
  • PMB accepts 2 gang Power Modules (ECDPM2P) in opening as supplied or 4 gang Power Modules (ECDPM4P) by removing side break off tabs to increase opening.
  • DMB accepts up to 6 x data via twist out knockouts & bezels provided.
  • PDMB accepts 2 or 4 gang power modules (ECDPM2P/ECDPM4P) and up to 6 x data (bezels provided).
  • Can be used as stand alone or in conjunction with Wire Cable Basket (WCB) by mounting directly adjacent to the basket.
  • PSMB can be used for stand alone mounting of Power Modules. Leave whole for 1 x ECDPM4P or break in half for to mount 2 x ECDPM2P.
  • Compatible with the ECD Soft Wiring System.
  • Standard colours are Black & White.


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